Friday, July 27, 2012

The doctors office...the moment of truth!


Like every week, Monday morning came. I went to work for a few hours - then rushed to the doctors. I KNEW it, but I needed confirmation. As the nurse makes me stand on the scale (yuck), takes my temp, blood pressure.....she said- "so, why are you here," and I said "well, I think I am pregnant," and she said "you gotta pee??" (kinda ghetto, but hey, its Durham)

I was chugging water all morning because I knew peeing in a cup was going to be a mandatory event - and I was ready!!! She passed me my TINY clear cup and showed me the ladies room. I was so clam and collected ....but then STAGE FREIGHT. I got pretty nervous sitting there - holding that cup. Luckily that did not last too long :) I passed the nurse my cup-o-pee and took a seat. Mmmmm, about 2 seconds later the Nurse comes waltzing in and hands me our fate - BOOM- POSITIVE! Again, the words "Holy Shit" feel right out of my mouth. Then, I got very pale and my jaw hit the floor... and then I started giggling. :)

My doctor was so excited for me. I've been seeing her since I moved to NC in 2007, so she knows me pretty darn well. Turns out she is preggers too. I asked lots of questions, got a script for a prenatal vitamin and had some blood work done just to be EXTRA positive.

I called J to tell him the news (he asked for a phone call, or I would have waited until we were face to face...don't judge) and he was speechless :)


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Holy Shit - Its Positive" echoed from the bathroom...

Those were my exact words to J, "Holy Shit - Its Positive." His exact words "Let me see it."

That was an interesting moment for us. I had taken 2 tests before...both of those were negative. WELL, the first was negative...the second was negative - then I came back - like hours later, and it was positive. However - I immediately got on google, like the genious I am, and decided that it was probably just an evaporation line. I decided to wait 3 more days and take the third test Sunday morning. That was the "Holy Shit" moment.

Luckily, I had a doctors appointment first thing Monday morning...for something completely unrelated. Which meant- I was going to make my doctor help me crack the code. I figured she knew best.

J decided that Sunday morning he didn't want to even discuss IT until I went to the doctors the next day. 2 negative tests and 1 positive test...left a lot of room for high hopes and a lot more room for disappointment if we weren't actually preggers. Which, at the time was a really smart decision. See, there's something about J that you probably don't know... he is going to be an AMAZING dad and he secretly wanted a Little Lessen. He couldn't stand the thought of getting excited and then having that ripped away. I got it - so we went about our usual Sunday business, brunch and bloodies. (I know I know people, but it was only a splash of the good stuff and I really needed to have one last simple Sunday with my hubs)

To be continued.....


Monday, July 23, 2012

Well, hello there.

Hi y'all! This is my first blog post :) I am really excited to share this blog, because it is about our insanely exciting journey that J and I are about to embark on: our first pregnancy!! Its hard to believe huh!? The two of us, making a Little Lessen! There is a part of me that is FREAKING out & then there is a even bigger part of me that is ECSTATIC for this new chapter in our lives.

My goal of having this blog is to share this awesome experience with our families and friends (and strangers if they care to read it). I will also be typing about our adventures, projects, crafts, fav products, family, cooking and anything else that I feel like sharing! So, sit back and enjoy the reading...
